Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Gratitude gets you places

The story of Anne and Louise (told in greater detail in the last two blogs) is certainly food for thought. Anne had a positive, balanced perspective. Louise was negative and always finding fault. Anne took the trouble to thank me after each introduction I arranged for her, and gave constructive feedback, which assisted and inspired me to find even better suited partners for her as time went by. Louise was never satisfied, no matter how much trouble I went to for her.

Anne's approach to me always inspired me to do all I possibly could to introduce her to suitable parners. She expected the best from me and thoroughly enjoyed meeting my high profile, quality men. You always get more of what you are grateful for and the universe eventually rewarded Anne with the man of her dreams. They are now happily engaged and looking forward to a bright future together.

Visit my website to meet a variety of quality partners from whom you can choose a soulmate!

If you have issues about successful dating and forming healthy romantic relationships, I am happy to discuss them with you until they are resolved.

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