Friday, April 2, 2010

Appreciate your partner's energies

Running my professional dating service, Perfect Strangers, has taught me many things. One of the things I have become increasingly aware of over the years is the significant difference in energies that men and women live out.

Women are the nurturers and caregivers, but they tend to become too serious and nit-picking. They can also be calculating. Their feelings are easily hurt.

Men are the hunters and providers. They live more in the moment. They have a more casual approach to life and tend to bring humour to a situation.

If we have too many people of the same sex in our lives, we tend to get a bit out of balance. That is one of the reasons why we enjoy dating and relationships so much. It provides something different to ourselves and thus makes our lives more interesting.

I remember when my husband, Bryan, passed away four years ago. I was left alone in my house with my old female dog, an old female cat and a young male cat, Gungie. I was feeling a bit like an old woman myself at the time, and I cannot tell you how refreshing it was to have Gungie in the house. I was so starved of living without the human male energy that Bryan used to provide, that I developed a strong appreciation for my little cat. I found his approach to life quite delightful, and very different to mine. This made me more aware of male energies in general, and what an important contribution our sexual energies are to our partners.

So be aware of the spiritual/sexual energies your partner brings to your relationship. Appreciate the differences between you and don’t wish that your partner could be more like you!

Visit my professional dating service website to meet a variety of quality partners from whom you can choose a soulmate!

Visit the coaching section of my website for some practical, no-nonsense dating and relationship advice.

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