Thursday, April 22, 2010

Be an original

So often in the course of my duties as a professional dating service owner, I come across people who are afraid to be themselves. They find it easier to fit in with what everyone else is doing and feel they have to live up to others’ expectations, and so find themselves conforming to “the norm”. They feel that if they are the same as everyone else, they are more likely to find a suitable partner. No, no, no!

We were made to be originals, and it is true that as they say in Afrikaans: “Elke pot het ‘n deksel”. I remember being quite hurt years ago when someone said to me: “’n Skewe pot sal ook sy deksel kry!” Now when I look back, I am pleased to say that I have always had interesting boyfriends. In all honesty I would not be attracted to a conventional man. There are many of us out there who enjoy partners who are “different”. So why are we so hesitant to be “different” ourselves? Let’s rather celebrate our uniqueness than be carbon copies.

When I look at the ladies on my books, I always think of them as flowers, each one with a different, colour, shape, perfume, etc, but each one with an exquisite beauty of her own. In reality, people love someone who is original and different, and the ones that aren’t attracted to you are ones you can pass by. Be yourself, and you will always find that you draw the “right” people to you. Relax and enjoy yourself the way God made you! © 2010

Visit my professional dating service website to meet a variety of quality partners from whom you can choose a soulmate!

Visit the coaching section of my website for some practical, no-nonsense dating and relationship advice.

To read up more about Marilyn Welch and her professional dating service, Perfect Strangers, click here.

You are welcome to email Marilyn Welch at

NB: Copyright subsists in this material. It may not be reproduced in any way without the express, written permission of Marilyn Welch.

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