Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Recognise Your Soulmate

Most of us tend to think that when we meet our soulmate, a siren is going to sound and fireworks will fill the sky! Most of the time, however, this does not happen. A soulmate is someone we want to spend the rest of our lives with and one has to be very careful about choosing this person.

Appearance is a big factor when we initially meet, but time reveals who the real person is, and this is the person we must make up our minds about. As time goes by, you build up a shared history of good times and bad. You get into habits and routines and slowly but surely life has a way of pointing you in the direction which is right for you.

It is important to live in the present with this person and enjoy each moment. It is not a good idea to be results oriented. Do not try to push situations, but just relax and let the universe gradually lead you to where you are meant to be.

I wish you luck in finding this very special person!

Visit my website to enlarge your circle of friends and find your soulmate!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Role of Predictability in a Relationship

The word "predictable" carries with it a slightly negative connotation. We tend to think of predictable people as slightly boring and we do not want others to think they have completely sussed us out.

It is, however, important to be predictable to some degree in our romantic relationship. For example, we all want our partner to be reliable, punctual, honest, dependable, etc., and these are all qualities we would do well to cultivate in ourselves.

However, to keep a relationship interesting and keep our partner enthralled, we have to sometimes do or say the unexpected thing. Romance thrives on excitement and novelty, and we should bring this to our relationship as much as we can.

The trick is to keep a balance when it comes to being predictable, and this we can all do.

Visit my website to meet a variety of quality partners from whom you can choose a soulmate!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Accept your partner as they are

Sometimes in the course of my work, I am confronted with the fact that people want their partners to change. Of course, no one will ever be 100% what you are looking for, but there comes a time when you need to weigh up all the factors and decide to be happy with the partner you have, if you decide to stay with them.

One also needs to remember, if you want someone to change, you yourself need to change first before you can expect your partner to do any changing. Once they see that you are willing to put in an effort, they are far more likely to put in an effort themselves.

The people who irritate you are often your best life teachers. Usually the thing that gets to you is something in the depths of your very own persona that you do not like. It is your partner who is reflecting this back to you, and that is very often why you want them to change!

If you let go of your own issues, you will also find that it is easier to accept your partner as they are. Serenity will then surround you and you will find it easier to be grateful for him/her. You will be more content with life in general.

This is also a chance to practise some unconditional love. This is the kind of love you usually crave for yourself. What you give out comes back to you, so this is the best way to go.

Visit my website to meet a variety of quality partners from whom you can choose a soulmate!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How to approach a relationship

I am often asked: "Will I recognise my soulmate immediately or will it take time to realise if my partner is my true soulmate?"

My instinct is to go for the second option. So often we meet people we are instantly attracted to, only to find with time that they make a disastrous partner. The chemistry is there in a big way, but so are the multiple problems that go with it. It is important to have some kind of spark between the two of you, but not at such a cost.

If you take the time to get to know someone, something very special can happen between the two of you. The emphasis here is on time and lots of it. God has plenty of time and it is a good thing to let your universe gently unfold. Savour each moment of getting to know someone and don't be results oriented. Enjoy what each day brings to your relationship and don't let issues and baggage drag you down.

If you have this approach, you will have a deep-seated serenity and you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your life is perfect and that everything is happening the way it should. You will be contented with your life in general and you will attract good into it.

It's good that we don't know the future, because this makes life an adventure. It is a friendly universe and God is definitely working things out for the good of all of us. Just trust that this applies to your love life as well!

Visit my website to meet a variety of quality partners from whom you can choose a soulmate.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Treat your partner the way you would like to be treated

So often I am faced with clients who have regrets about previous relationships. They are sorry about the way they treated their partner and wish they could have a second chance. Life seldom gives us second chances and so the onus is on us not to treat life as a dress rehearsal, but to make the most of each and every opportunity that comes our way, as it might be the only opportunity we ever have. If you have a wonderful partner, be sure to appreciate him/her and not take this person for granted.

What we sow we also reap. Be sure to be planting good seeds in your relationship. It is important to treat our partner the way we would like to be treated. Better still, we should treat them the way they want to be treated. The chances are, of course, that if you do this, you are likely to receive good treatment in return, and your relationship will go in an upward spiral. This will ensure that you are less likely to live with regrets.

I wish you luck with your relationships!

Visit my website to meet a variety of quality partners from whom you can choose a soulmate!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Keep an open mind when meeting your dates

So often we go on a date with all sorts of expectations. We have a list of what we want and what we don't want and some of us are quite rigid in sticking to that list. But people are full of surprises and it is difficult to put them in boxes. We ourselves would like others to give us a chance when meeting us, so we need to afford them the same opportunity.

Some people are quick and easy to get to know and others take their time in allowing us close. I myself nearly missed an opportunity when I met my present partner. He did not show all his cards in the beginning and because of that I nearly overlooked him. Thank heavens I gave him a second chance, because as time went by I discovered more and more things about him that I really like, and today we are very happy.

And then there is chemistry ... If a spark ignites between two people, the "list" often flies out of the window and the most unlikely people can pair up and be blissfully happy. Here we need to keep an open mind in the sense that we must be on the lookout for the negatives in this case, as our feeling of being "in love" can lead us into big trouble!

So keep your eyes wide open whilst at the same time expecting the best of your date. Be flexible and enjoy each moment.

Visit my website to find some quality partners from whom you can choose a soulmate!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Don't pressurise your partner into a relationship

So often I notice with the clients on my books that one of the people is really keen to have a relationship and he/she pushes and pressurises their dates to go into a relationship. This can be compared to pushing fruit ripe, and the results are similar. The fruit is not as sweet as sun-ripened fruit which has fallen off the tree, and the fruit may even have some bruises. Similarly, your relationship will not be the best it could have been. God is never in a hurry and it is best to let the universe gently unfold and let your relationship progress at an unhurried pace. I know this is difficult, because we all wanted everything yesterday, but if something is good it is worth waiting for, particularly in the field of relationships. So practise patience, and you will be well rewarded.

Visit my website to meet a variety of quality partners from whom you can choose a soulmate!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Don't be anxious about your dating

Isn't it ironical that whenever we are anxious to have something, it just seems to run away from us all the time? In a similar vein, whenever we have felt ready to meet our soulmate, we are so impatient to do so, and we seem to find that despite how hard we try, our dating results in failure after failure.

I always tell my members to relax about dating and to just have fun. They should not be so keen to have results when they date, but just enjoy each moment for what it brings. I find that when they have this attitude, things somehow seem to fall into place, they enjoy themselves, and when the time is right, their soulmate just seems to fall into their lap!

Visit my website to meet a variety of quality partners from whom you can choose a soulmate!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Men and Women Differ

Men and women differ in many ways, but two of the ways they differ are brought home to me very often:

Women are much more particular than men. Think of it. If you line up a whole lot of women against a wall and ask men to choose, they will find it very difficult, as they will like a lot of the women. Just line up a whole lot of men against a wall and ask women to choose, and they will only select one or two from the whole lot. This happens in nature as well.

Women commit to a relationship far quicker than men do. So often it happens that a man and a woman are dating on my database and one day the woman phones me and says she no longer wants to meet any more men because she and x are now seeing each other. Very often x phones me soon after to ask for another date!

It is a good thing that we are different - it makes life interesting!

Visit my website to meet a variet of quality partners from whom you can choose a soulmate!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Love the person you find

We all find it easy to fall in love. It is such a euphoric experience. Everything seems to come naturally and we are swept away with our giddy feelings. Unfortunately this experience does not last. There comes a time when the things we once found so endearing in our partner now start to irritate us, and the person we once elevated falls from the platform we put them on.

We think we will gain happiness once more by finding someone else, or turning to a new hobby or worse, alcahol or drugs. Only to find that some time later, we are once again in the same boat, disillusioned and looking for something new.

Is it not better to learn to love the person you find? Love inevitably sends us someone who will remind us of our issues that we need to work through and there is no point in running away, as the next person we meet will invariably bring up those same issues. Better to work through these issues for once and for all and to have loved someone through thick and thin at the end of the day ... That someone that you once thought was such a problem may just turn out to be your soulmate and the partner of your dreams!

Visit my website to find a variety of quality partners from whom you can choose a soulmate!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Learn to enjoy your own company

We all dream of the day that we will have a special partner who will keep us company through thick and thin. We feel somehow that he or she will complete us, make us whole, and that we will never be lonely again.

That may be true, but before we start looking for that partner, it would be a very good idea if we could learn to enjoy our own company first. Once we have a good self-image, and a certain degree of self-confidence, it is then usually easier to amuse ourselves when we are alone. We have then (hopefully) developed some good interests and maybe we even have a few passions that we are fulfilling. This makes us interesting people, people with a mission, who will then easily draw the right partner to us via the law of attraction.

The law of attraction is like a magnet, so if we desire to have good company, we must be good company ourselves and know how to keep ourselves busy with worthwhile endeavours. Then we have earned the right to have a partner who is also good company.

Visit my website to find a partner who can be that good company for you!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How does one handle rejection?

One of the most common things you will encounter when you are dating is rejection. The important thing with rejection is not to take it personally. The reason you are rejected has usually 100% to do with the other person and their particular frame of reference and almost NOTHING to do with you at all. There will always be people who like you just the way you are, and at the same time there will always be people who find fault with you. I see this happening with my clients all the time. As many as there are people, there will be different opinions about them. These opinions have nothing to do with you, it is just how people perceive you, according to their own unique place where they are coming from. You remain unchanged, whilst all around you, different people perceive you differently. Therefore one should not take other people’s opinions, whether good or bad, too seriously. So don’t be discouraged if you encounter rejection, simply move on to the next person to meet.

Visit my website to meet exciting people of your calibre!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Never take people at face value

We all know the saying “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”, but first impressions can be very deceiving. People are generally on their best behaviour when one meets them, and the true person usually only emerges with time. One can liken getting to know a person with peeling an onion: there are many layers covering the core.

I nearly fell into this trap when I met my current partner, with whom I am very happy. When I first met him I thought (erroneously) that he was not my type, and more or less discouraged him from contacting me. It was a year later that we met again, and then I was more willing to give him the time of day, only to realise he was almost exactly what I had always been looking for in very many ways! The first time I met him he did not show all his cards, and I took him at face value, never realising what a diamond had crossed my path.

Men and women often make snap decisions about whether they are attracted to a person or not. Perhaps we would all find many more people to our liking if we would just give them a chance beyond the first meeting. Food for thought …

Visit my website to find out more about how to meet quality partners.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Never Be Hasty

So often it happens that someone comes onto my books and is really in a hurry to meet someone special. That is when red flags start waving in my head and I realise that this person is on the wrong track. While it is true that my clients often do pair up quickly, it is not a good thing when someone is hasty.

When you want to meet someone quickly, you are likely to make snap decisions which are not based on a good foundation. You do not get to know your partner well before committing to a relationship and this can lead to big regrets later. It is also likely that there are things you have not sorted out in your own life, which is essential before committing to a relationship.

When my clients relax and take time with their dating, it’s almost as if they get into a kind of “flow”, and things they want seem to come naturally to them. If they are anxious and in a hurry, their partners seem to flee from them.

So sort out in your mind what is bothering you, and approach dating without being too hung up on results or outcomes. Have fun and enjoy each moment for what it is, and your dating will take care of itself.

Visit my website to find out more about this sensible way of going about dating.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Men and Women Desire Different Things

This is a topic about which I could write reams! Men and women are so different in their outlook and their approach.

Men are very visually oriented. They will usually make up their minds within 30 seconds whether they are interested in a woman or not. This is based on the woman’s appearance and whether she appeals to him or not. They actually admit that they look at things like personality and character later. (Often too late!)

A woman is likely to give a man a few chances. She will wait to see how he behaves in certain circumstances and how he treats her before she finally makes up her mind. She often doesn’t mind if he is a bit bald or if he has a bit of a tummy. It is important to her that he is kind and that he makes her laugh.

It is my job to put these two sexes together! I must, however, be doing something right as I have had many, many marriages in the 12 years that Perfect Strangers has been in existence, and many more cases where people have paired off and are still together! Visit my website to find out more about this exciting way to meet your soulmate.

Monday, April 13, 2009

You don't have to be desperate to join a dating service

Most people are under the impression that when you join a dating service, you are desperate. Nothing could be further from the truth! The people who join my dating service, Perfect Strangers, are all of a good calibre. They are busy professionals and successful entrepreneurs who really do not have the time to look for partners on their own. They lead full lives and are busy all day, and do not want to join a club of some sort on the off chance that they might meet a partner one day. After work they are tired and do not have the energy or inclination to go to a bar or a pub to meet someone.

It’s all about convenience. Joining Perfect Strangers saves you time. You attend an interview, after which you are supplied with a steady stream of carefully screened potential partners. All you need to do is phone your date and turn up at the arranged place at the correct time. That is why people join Perfect Strangers, because it is so simple, time saving, convenient and discreet.

Visit my website to find out more about this stunning new way to meet people.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Get out of your comfort zone!

At some stage or other, most of us are in a rut when it comes to our love lives. It is very comfortable to stay just where we are and watch the world go by. Unfortunately this will not bring us any closer to our dream of having someone special.

Like with anything else in this life, if we want something worthwhile, we have to make the effort. Make the effort to be our most attractive selves and make the effort to find a way of meeting partners and then go out and do it. Why oh why do we procrastinate so much?

Sometimes the variety of ways in which we can meet someone is so vast, that this itself paralyses us: we don’t know where to start. Within my very own service, I find that people who join the club often feel very apprehensive the first couple of times they go out and meet the partners I provide for them. Then after a few dates, they say “Why didn’t I do this ages ago? It is so easy and convenient and there is nothing to it!” And usually very soon they have made a few friends and are on their way to meeting their soulmate.

So don’t keep putting it off. Make that move that will bring you what you want. Visit my website to make use of a very simple and timesaving way to meet potential partners and never look back!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Internet Dating Versus a Dating Service

We all want to meet that someone special, and that is why we go to the trouble of dating many people in order to find that one person. There are all sorts of ways of going about dating, two of which I am going to discuss here.

Internet Dating:

Here you have a wide variety of people to choose from, possibly with photos. You do all your own screening and can correspond with many people all at the same time. It is inexpensive and you have control over what is happening. Sometimes the people on the other end lie and submit photos which do not even look like them, and quite often these people are married. Some of the people are not serious about dating and just want to play / pass the time. Internet dating can be quite time consuming. For some it can be a rewarding process, for others a waste of time.

Dating Service:

With my service, I interview each and every client, and make no exceptions. My clients have to show their face and pay good money to join, which ensures that they are serious about dating. I take all the hassle out of the process by doing all the screening for you (I screen very strictly and thereby eliminate all the “dodgy” people you do not want to waste your time on). All my clients have to do is to speak telephonically with their date, arrange a meeting and turn up on time at that meeting. I literally serve them with their “date on a plate”, making the whole process simple and easy. I build up a personal relationship with each client over time and give each one a lot of personal attention. I receive feedback from all the members about each other, so I know my people well, which helps to ensure that my matching is good. I have had many marriages and people pairing off in the last 11 years, which proves this. I cater for professionals, business executives and successful entrepreneurs and ensure that I always have good calibre people on my books. By using this process, you save a lot of time. It’s more expensive than internet dating, but a whole lot more convenient.

Click here to find out how to use this simple and convenient way of meeting people.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Professionalism is the hallmark of Perfect Strangers

We are an exclusive, upmarket dating service based in the East of Pretoria. I work with single professionals and successful entrepeneurs who struggle with loneliness and meeting suitable partners, and who would like to meet a variety of quality partners from whom they can choose a soulmate.

What separates my service from dating services and internet dating is that I screen my clients absolutely thoroughly and get to know them extremely well, especially their unique personal preferences. Therefore my clients are all of a good calibre and they get better matching every time.

Because of this, my clients’ lives change from lonely and boring to getting out and about, meeting new people, visiting exciting places, and best of all, they have a variety of quality partners from whom they can choose a soulmate much sooner than if they would try meeting people another way or on their own.

Furthermore, I give each member a lot of individual attention, and great care is taken to ensure that I cater for each client’s specific requirements. I build up a personal relationship with each client over time and guarantee that I am thoroughly reliable and congruent in my approach.

So phone me now at 0825598322 or visit our website - exclusive dating service for single executives - and watch how your life changes!