Thursday, February 28, 2013

Preconceived ideas

Most of us have preconceived ideas about what kind of person we want as a soulmate. This person must preferably be attractive, slim, financially independent, have little or no baggage etc. We sometimes forget that we are living in the real world and that people seldom live up to our idea of perfect. We also tend to forget that we also need to work on ourselves in order to fit in with someone else’s idea of perfect! Some years back I had a client called Gerhard* who was very adamant that he did not want to meet an overweight woman. He was also very particular about what he was looking for. He had so many criteria for me to look out for that he almost ruled out every lady on my books! I introduced him to some of my members and he did not meet anyone he really liked until one day I took a chance and introduced him to Sheila*, one of my prettiest ladies. Sheila has a vibrant personality and everyone loves her. I say I took a chance because, although she is not really overweight, she was not as slim as Gerhard originally would have liked. Well, Gerhard loved her (and still does). They got engaged six months later and married at the end of that year. She did not exactly fit his criteria, but the chemistry was there and the rest is history. Then there was Jan*, who insisted on seeing a photo of each lady he met. (Photos are first impressions, but have you ever seen someone who looks exactly like their photo?) When I wanted to introduce him to Anne, one of my most attractive, eligible ladies, he did not like her photo and did not want to meet her. I worked very hard to convince him to meet her, only to have him say afterwards that her photo does not do her justice and that he thought she was wonderful! (I happened to think it was a very good photo, but everyone has differing perceptions). Sometimes the person who bowls us over is nothing like what we expected him/her to be. When we walk around with blinkers on we are not open to receive the first prize. It’s good to know what we want, but it also pays to be flexible, as preconceived ideas can be a stumbling block when looking for our soulmate. *Names have been changed. © 2010, 2013 Marilyn Welch. Would you love to meet your soulmate in 2013? A phenomenal one out of every three people who joins Perfect Strangers meets someone special within twelve months! If you have read through my website thoroughly and feel that you would like to work with me, contact me for a FREE, no-obligation “Find Your Soulmate” session. We can then see what Perfect Strangers can do for you and get you started to meet the partner of your dreams. I am looking forward to hearing from you! Would you like to use this article? You may if you include the following paragraph with the article: Marilyn Welch is the owner of Perfect Strangers Professional Introduction Service and a sought-after Relationship Mentor specialising in dating skills. You can read more of her articles at and download her Free Special Report “Three Ways to Finding the Soulmate of Your Dreams” by going to her website, and sending her your details. You are welcome to email Marilyn Welch at

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Managing loneliness

Most of us at some time or other experience the ravages of loneliness. Loneliness can come in many forms: Sometimes we are at our loneliest when surrounded by people whom we love and who we know love us! How do we cope with this insidious state of mind? Something I myself have always drawn comfort from is how incredibly blessed I am by what life has given me: my good health just for starters. How have you been blessed? Do you live in beautiful and comfortable surroundings? Are you financially independent? Do you have a career that stimulates and excites you? Do you have friends who form a wonderful support network for you? Most of us can find quite a few things to be thankful for if we just give it a bit of thought. Then there is the question of a good self-image. If we think well of ourselves and respect ourselves, we are likely to be living a life of integrity. The chances are then that we have a healthy relationship with ourselves. A person like this probably has multiple hobbies and interests. Someone of this calibre will keep their friends’ secrets. Someone like this deserves to have some good friends in this life. Good friends can be an antidote for loneliness … Whatever your situation and degree of loneliness, only you can work on the solution. Start with a few basic building blocks, some of which I have just mentioned. © 2010, 2013 Marilyn Welch. Would you love to meet your soulmate in 2013? A phenomenal one out of every three people who joins Perfect Strangers meets someone special within twelve months! If you have read through my website thoroughly and feel that you would like to work with me, contact me for a FREE, no-obligation “Find Your Soulmate” session. We can then see what Perfect Strangers can do for you and get you started to meet the partner of your dreams. I am looking forward to hearing from you! Would you like to use this article? You may if you include the following paragraph with the article: Marilyn Welch is the owner of Perfect Strangers Professional Introduction Service and a sought-after Relationship Mentor specialising in dating skills. You can read more of her articles at and download her Free Special Report “Three Ways to Finding the Soulmate of Your Dreams” by going to her website, and sending her your details. You are welcome to email Marilyn Welch at

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Give the best, expect the best

Three things I know for sure in this life: 1. This world may not be perfect, but it is in perfect balance 2. If you sow onions, you are not going to get potatoes 3. Time is an illusion Let me elaborate: Most of us go into a relationship expecting the best but not always giving the best. In other words we enter this relationship starting with an imbalance. It stands to reason that the scales are going to tip against our favour. Exactly the opposite is also true: if we give the best but do not expect the best, we are also going to be shortchanged. People invariably live up to our expectations! So it stands to reason that we should all give our best in a relationship and expect the best from the other person. If we do this, and for some reason, our partner lets us down, then is the only time we can walk away when the time is right with absolutely no regrets. We will then know that we have sowed something good, that we can still expect to reap something good, to the exact measure that we invested, but that we will reap elsewhere in the fullness of time. The Universe unfolds, and very gently. It does not push or demand things of us, but brings them to us, if we will just have patience. We always want things yesterday, but that is not the way things usually happen. The timing of the Universe is perfectly precise and we need to trust, have faith and wait. The present is all we have, and we have everything we need (not necessarily what we want) in this very moment. Live for now, do your best and tomorrow will take care of you! © 2010, 2013 Marilyn Welch. Would you love to meet your soulmate in 2013? A phenomenal one out of every three people who joins Perfect Strangers meets someone special within twelve months! If you have read through my website thoroughly and feel that you would like to work with me, contact me for a FREE, no-obligation “Find Your Soulmate” session. We can then see what Perfect Strangers can do for you and get you started to meet the partner of your dreams. I am looking forward to hearing from you! Would you like to use this article? You may if you include the following paragraph with the article: Marilyn Welch is the owner of Perfect Strangers Professional Introduction Service and a sought-after Relationship Mentor specialising in dating skills. You can read more of her articles at and download her Free Special Report “Three Ways to Finding the Soulmate of Your Dreams” by going to her website, and sending her your details. You are welcome to email Marilyn Welch at

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Build a good foundation

Most of us want everything yesterday. Today’s world is based on instant gratification. One can compare this to building a house. We want to put in a jacuzzi and plan the garden before building solid foundations and giving proper attention and care to every room in the house. Of course, such an approach is doomed to fail. We see it all around us: failed relationships, failed business ventures, and so the list goes on. How can we remedy this syndrome? The key is to get back to basics. Most of us have become so sidetracked we have even forgotten what the basics are! Let me list just three: 1. Integrity. We all want partners who are honest and don’t lie to us. We need to be this kind of person ourself before we can expect to attract someone like this. (Remember the Law of Attraction, which states that like attracts like, is absolute.) 2. Kindness. There are so few people in the world who are truly kind that the ones that are stick out like sore thumbs. Be this kind of person and you will then discover that the universe is a friendly place. 3. Hard Work. We all want something for nothing, but the universe simply doesn’t work this way. When something is just given to us, we tend not to appreciate it. If we work long and hard for it, and earn it literally by the sweat of our brow, it is usually ours forever! These are just three basic rules to keep in mind. I am sure you can think of more. Don’t just think about them, practise them. Do it now. © 2010, 2013 Marilyn Welch. Would you love to meet your soulmate in 2013? A phenomenal one out of every three people who joins Perfect Strangers meets someone special within twelve months! If you have read through my website thoroughly and feel that you would like to work with me, contact me for a FREE, no-obligation “Find Your Soulmate” session. We can then see what Perfect Strangers can do for you and get you started to meet the partner of your dreams. I am looking forward to hearing from you! Would you like to use this article? You may if you include the following paragraph with the article: Marilyn Welch is the owner of Perfect Strangers Professional Introduction Service and a sought-after Relationship Mentor specialising in dating skills. You can read more of her articles at and download her Free Special Report “Three Ways to Finding the Soulmate of Your Dreams” by going to her website, and sending her your details. You are welcome to email Marilyn Welch at

Friday, February 1, 2013

Your attitude determines your luck

Some time back I was at a function where I met a remarkable woman called Sue*. The nature of my work (professional matchmaking service owner) often results in people telling me very interesting stories, and Sue’s story is no exception. Years ago she was dating a guy called Bertus*. They had been going out for over two years and Sue was tearing her hair out because Bertus showed no signs of settling down with her and getting married. They had been happy until she had started pressurising him to get married. From that point on, the relationship had gone steadily downhill. The inevitable happened and they split up. Today she is going out with Hannes*, a guy she is simply nuts about and who she perceives as her “soulmate”. Her approach these days is entirely different. Since the days of Bertus she has read many self-help books and attended many courses. This has radically altered her approach to life and dating. She lives in gratitude and practises living in the moment. She has learned over time to always do her best and then to leave the results to the Universe to sort out. Hannes is also not making any overtures of marriage, but she has learned that when it comes to relationships it is best not to focus on results. At this point, Hannes is totally captivated by her and is a model boyfriend. She senses that it will be futile to rock the boat and try to push the relationship in any way. She knows intuitively that if it does not work out with Hannes, there is someone or something better waiting for her. This knowledge and faith in the Universe is sustaining her very well. Your attitude always determines your luck, and I predict that from now on Sue is always going to be a person who is lucky in her love life. This attitude of hers is not something she suddenly decided to adopt one day. It is the result of years of training herself to have the best approach to whatever she does. She was always open to positive change and always read books and did courses that she thought would help her. It was knowledge hard-gained but today she is reaping the fruits. Let’s all take a leaf from Sue’s book. We are never too old to learn! *Names have been changed. © 2010, 2013 Marilyn Welch. Would you love to meet your soulmate in 2013? A phenomenal one out of every three people who joins Perfect Strangers meets someone special within twelve months! If you have read through my website thoroughly and feel that you would like to work with me, contact me for a FREE, no-obligation “Find Your Soulmate” session. We can then see what Perfect Strangers can do for you and get you started to meet the partner of your dreams. I am looking forward to hearing from you! Would you like to use this article? You may if you include the following paragraph with the article: Marilyn Welch is the owner of Perfect Strangers Professional Introduction Service and a sought-after Relationship Mentor specialising in dating skills. You can read more of her articles at and download her Free Special Report “Three Ways to Finding the Soulmate of Your Dreams” by going to her website, and sending her your details. You are welcome to email Marilyn Welch at